'Campers krijgen het moeilijk in CoD:MW3 multiplayer'

De multiplayer van Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is zo ontworpen dat zogenaamde campers het moeilijk gaan krijgen, aldus Michael Condry, de baas van mede-ontwikkelaar Sledgehammer Games.

Condry doelt hiermee op spelers die zich gewapend met een sniper in een hoekje verscholen houden. "I think that the person who plays the sniper on a team can have a ton of fun, but one of the biggest criticisms you always hear is about campers, right? We don't want to emphasise that dynamic so much that the other people in that engagement aren't having fun. We have less verticality in our maps, there are less camping points. And so the challenge for snipers is to hang back on the perimeter or the periphery and pick people off."

Om toch nog even de concurrent Battlefield 3, die meer sniper-vriendelijk is, te bekritiseren voegt hij het volgende toe: "Unlike other games, where you're going to be sniped from across the map by a guy you can't even see, and then respawn and you've got to run for five minutes to get back to the battle, right? That's not the Modern Warfare 3 method. This is about getting you in the action, you're pulling the trigger fast, you know what I mean? That's the essence of it."