Gamestop verkoopt 600.000 Call of Duty: Elite abonnementen

Call of Duty: Elite was een grote succes voor GameStop. In het VS alleen verkochten ze 600.000 abonnementen voor het online service van Call of Duty.

Call of Duty: Elite komt hiermee in de top tien best verkochte lanceringen van GameStop dit jaar. "In the case of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, we worked closely with Activision, Sony and Microsoft to pre-order and deliver nearly 600,000 instances of the Modern Warfare Elite DLC to date," Dit vertelde GameStop president Tony Bartel.

"This places the launch of Elite as one of our top ten launches of the year so far. We've found that consumer demand for downloadable content is very strong at the point of launch."

Wij verwachte dat we veel zullen verkopen, maar aangezien in november veel games uitkomen, moesten gamers wel kiezen. Dit vertelde Bartel erbij. "We had expectations for strong sales due to the great title line-up and record reservations, but we found that consumers were unable to fund the products that they wanted, as these strong titles rolled out week after week."
