Playlist-aanpassingen Halo 2 op komst

Bungie heeft onlangs op haar forum aangekondigd dat het een aantal veranderingen zal doorvoeren aan de Halo 2-playlists. De aanpassingen aan de playlists zullen "na thanksgiving" (na 25 november) doorgevoerd worden en moeten de game online nog leuker maken. In het onderstaande citaat staat een opsomming van de te implementeren aanpassingen:
Before we take off for Thanksgiving vacation, I wanted to give everyone a quick heads up about the status of our first Xbox Live Matchmaking Playlist update. We've been watching closely and listening to all of the feedback you've been sharing with us. I'm happy to say that we've made some significant updates to the existing playlists as well as creating two brand new playlists.

Overhauling every playlist and creating two new ones is a major task and is not something to be taken lightly. Our primary goal is to ensure that the release gets adequate testing before we unleash it to the world. With this being our first post-release playlist change, we are taking extra precautions to make sure everything works as planned. Pushing out the new playlists before Thanksgiving would have been ideal, but the risks of cutting our testing time are too great.

For now, we ask that you please be patient with us and hold on for a just a little while longer. We are optimistic that our playlist updates will be ready to release shortly after the Thanksgiving break.

Here's a little glimpse of what's coming (subject to change)-

* All team slayer playlist - You wanted it.You've got it. All team slayer, all the time. (perhaps this week will be a good time to get your last great games of CTF in as it seems the vast majority of players will abandon these objective games once and for all when given the chance. -sniff- ) The existing Team Skirmish playlist will be only objective games - primarily CTF and Assault with a small sprinkling of Team Ball, Team King and Territories.

* Unranked FFA playlist - play Slayer and a few other Rumble Pit games with guests and parties of up to 8. Let the good times roll.

* Major Clan Match- party size limit changed from minimum 5 to max 8. Also, the team imbalance has been changed to one from two. (so no more 6 vs. 8 games)

* Big Team Battle - we've upped the max party size to a full 8.

* Variety - we've gone through and adjusted the weighting and offerings in every playlist to make sure more maps and more gametypes get some loving. Foundation has also been added to the playlists where it makes sense.

We'll have much more to say about this as soon as the release is ready to go. In the meantime, thanks for your feedback and have a great Thanksgiving break. We'll see you online!