Regisseur Polanski aangehouden
Polanski werd alsnog opgepakt op grond van een Amerikaans arrestatiebevel uit 1978. Hij wordt ervan beschuldigd in 1977 een minderjarige meisje te hebben gedrogeerd en verkracht. Dat zou zijn gebeurd in het toenmalige huis van zijn vriend en bekend acteur Jack Nicholson.
De regisseur vluchtte tijdens de afwikkeling van de zaak uit de Verenigde Staten. Hij had al bekend seksueel contact met de minderjarige te hebben gehad in ruil voor het laten vallen van ernstiger aanklachten, met name verkrachting.
Polanski zou vanavond op het festival voor zijn levenswerk worden geëerd.

Roman Polanski (foto: ANP)
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Geheime strandvideo's met topless meiden, zomer 2010
Bijvoeglijke naamwoorden in vergrotende trap
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Geheime strandvideo's met topless meiden, zomer 2010
Wat haar betreft was de zaak 20 jaar geleden al voorbij.
Of het trouwens sowieso wel op die manier gegaan is blijft de vraag.
Amerikanen hebben nogal een handje met zaken te overdrijven.
Vooral in dat eeuwige preutse land.
Ik zal jullie eens in je anus verkrachten.
Geheime strandvideo's met topless meiden, zomer 2010
Laat die vent toch met rust, die heeft al genoeg te verduren gehad in zijn leven.
Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
Laboro te salutante
Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
Laboro te salutante
Geheime strandvideo's met topless meiden, zomer 2010
Geheime strandvideo's met topless meiden, zomer 2010
Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
Laboro te salutante
Geheime strandvideo's met topless meiden, zomer 2010
WARNING: Post may contain irony: discontinue use if experiencing mood swings, nausea or elevated blood pressure
Oscars en superfilms (The Pianist) aan de ene kant..
Zijn Joodse verleden, Charles Manson die zijn vrouw + ongeboren kind liet vermoorden en deze verkrachtingszaak aan de andere kant... damn.
Maar ik wil zeker niet nuanceren wat ie heeft gedaan: hij hoort gewoon straf te krijgen.
see my mind in kaleidoscope
Muziekje d'r bij?
According to his friendly biographer, Thomas Kiernan, "Before getting out his cameras, Polanski broke open a bottle of champagne ... The youngster hesitated, telling him that the last time she had drunk champagne it had made her violently ill. She was asthmatic, she said that the bubbly had brought on an asthma attack."
Polanski reassures the 13-year-old child, saying French champagne "could never hurt you." She takes a glass to please him. She is waiting to see Jack Nicholson. Soon "she felt her lungs beginning to constrict." Polanski says "jump in hot tub ... It make you feel better."
"I really don't feel good," she said. "I knew I shouldn't've had champagne ... She complained again about her dizziness and shortness of breath ... He gave her a tablet and told her to take it, assuring her that it would counter the effects of the champagne."
According to the police report, "dutifully, the girl swallowed the tablet ... Polanski had also neglected to tell her that the tablet was not an antiasthma pill ... but a high-potency [illegal] Quaalude from his own pocket ... The girl was in a deep champagne-Quaalude daze ... slipping into unconsciousness."
"She was shivering and ashen and weeping ... I'm sick," she mumbled drunkenly. I want to go home ... my father ... gasping for breath in shrill, raspy heaves. Mucus spilled from her nostrils."
Polanski was suddenly concerned. The child had lost control of her bladder. "It would be unspeakable for him to be involved in the death of a naked American teenager ... He realized [she] was in the throes of a potentially fatal seizure".
She was feverish. Polanski "wondered whether he should call an ambulance or the police. He decided to wait, more out of his own drug-induced panic than considered judgment."
Shortly thereafter, the skillfully manipulative Polanski brutally cursed as he painfully sodomized and then raped the sick and half unconscious girl. "With her breathing still impaired by the effects of the Quaalude and champagne, she immediately gagged and retched. She tried to scream but couldn't produce a sound."
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