'Mortal Kombat X-achievements uitgelekt'
De achievements voor Mortal Kombat X zijn uitgelekt. De bron hiervan is onbekend, maar de lijst lijkt authentiek te zijn. Er zijn enkele spoilers te lezen, dus wees gewaarschuwd!
Om niet meteen de spoilers in beeld te brengen is hier de volledige presentatie van Ermac en een voorproefje van Reptile.
De vermeende achievements met spoilers:
- Civil War (20G) - Complete Story Mode 50%
- The Future Looks Grim (20G) - Complete Story Mode 100%
- Dressed to Kill (20G) - Unlock all alternate costumes
- Part of a Team (10G) - Contribute 10000 overall points towards your faction
- Team Leader (20G) - Contribute 100000 overall points towards your faction
- Challenge Accepted (10G) - Complete 100 Faction Challenges
- We Are the Champions (10G) - Win 5 Faction Wars in a row
- Bragging Rights (10G) - Reach Rank 50
- The Best of the Best (20G) - Reach Rank 100
- Somebody Call a Doctor! (10G) - Perform every fighters X-Ray attack
- Family Feuds (10G) - Win 50 matches against a fighters relative
- Fists of Fury! (20G) - Perform a 15-hit combo with any fighter
- Environmentalist (10G) - Perform every arena interaction
- The Student Has Become the Teacher (5G) - Complete Tutorial Mode
- How to Take a Life (5G) - Complete Fatality Trainer
- Ultimate Finisher (20G) - Perform every finishing move for all fighters
- Tower Noob (10G) - Complete all Daily Matches in Living Tower for the current day
- Tower Champ (10G) - Complete all Premier Matches in Living Tower
- Tower Lord (20G) - Complete 150 Living Tower missions overall
- Tested (10G) - Complete Test Your Luck & Test Your Might on max difficulty
- Survivalist (20G) - Win 50 rounds on the Survivor Tower
- How Slow Can You Go? (10G) - Complete a Klassic Tower without running (allowed to continue)
- The Mightiest Warrior (20G) - Complete Champion Tower on max difficulty without using a continue
- Variation Champion (30G) - Complete a Klassic Tower with every fighter having used every variation
- The Konsumer (20G) - Unlock 50% of the Krypt
- The Kollector (30G) - Unlock 100%^of the Krypt
- Hello? (50G) - Discover the Secret of the Krypt
- The Chosen One (60G) - Win 15 Ranked Online Matches in a row
- In It to Win It (20G) - Win 100 complete Online Matches
- Seasoned Veteran (80G) - Play 200 complete Online Matches
- Mind Your Surroundings (10G) - Use every level interactable and win in a Ranked Online Match
- Feet Planted Firmly (10G) - Win an online match without jumping
- The Comeback Kid (10G) - Make a comeback in a Ranked Online Match with 10% or less health
- Untouchable (10G) - Get a Flawless Victory in an Online Match
- Humiliated! (20G) - Get a Double Flawless Victory in a Ranked Online Match
- Tossed (10G) - Perform 5 throws in 1 Online Ranked Match
- Takes a Beating (10G) - Win a Ranked Online Match without blocking
- Nothing Special About Me (20G) - Win an online match without using any Special Moves
- Emperor for a Day (25G) - Win 10 King of the Hill Matches in a row
- Rise to Power (10G) - Dethrone an opponent in King of the Hill Matches with 10 or more wins in a row
- Double Karnage (20G) - Successfully land 2 X-Ray attacks in 1 Online Match
- You Look Familiar (10G) - Win 20 mirrored Ranked Online Matches
- Kombat Apprentice (10G) - Gain Mastery of 1 Fighter
- Kombat Master (50G) - Gain Mastery of All Fighters
Kan wel merken dat ik een oude zak wordt hahaha, de eerste versie speelde wij ook graag en vond mijn moeder gewelddadig en niet goed voor ons. Maar dit is 10x realistischer nog en zitten behoorlijke gewelddadige stukjes in. Het is niet zomaar gewoon meppen en wat hoofden eraf trekken maar ogen uit duwen, schedels breken
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