Gearbox verwerpt Borderlands 2-geruchten

Vandaag berichtten we al eerder dat er een CV was gelekt met daarop een verwijzing naar een mogelijke Borderlands 2. Randy Pitchford, baas van Gearbox, laat nu weten dat er van een vervolg op de succesvolle RPG FPS absoluut geen sprake is. "I honestly have no idea who James Mosingois is", aldus Pitchford.

Pitchford heeft wel een idee hoe de titel op het CV heeft kunnen belanden:

"If I had to guess, I know last year - around September or October of last year when we were wrapping up the Clap Trap's New Robot Revolution DLC - we hired some contractors to help us blue sky brainstorm some things that were HUD related (among other things) when we were starting to think about what to do next with the Borderlands franchise. It's possible this guy was a subcontractor for one of those groups we were working with. None of that stuff really ended up going anywhere, though."

Hoe het nu verder gaat met de franchise blijft dus nog even in het midden. Achter de schermen staan ze in ieder geval nog steeds 100% achter het concept:

"I can tell you that myself and everyone at Gearbox LOVES Borderlands and we have been absolutely thrilled at the reception it's gotten from our customers and the fact that it's sold over four million units now.
So you can see that we supported the game like mad with lots of great DLC and you can imagine that we're going to want to do a lot of things with Borderlands in the future.
But we've only announced what we've announced. If we haven't announced it, it doesn't exist." 

Gearbox is op dit moment hard bezig met het afronden van Duke Nukem Forever, welke vanaf 10 Juni overal te koop is.