Speel in het zwart in Mafia: Definitive Edition
Mafia: Definitive Edition ligt nu al een tijd in de winkel (lees onze review hier). Dat 2K en Hangar 13 denken nog elke dag aan de release, want met de laatste patch voegen ze nog een belangrijke feature toe.
Alle features van de nieuwe patch kun je hieronder lezen, maar de leukste is wel dat het hele spel in Noir-modus kunt spelen. Hiermee creëer je een oude antieke uitstraling die ze vroeger vooral in films gebruikten.
Custom HUD Options
Use these new options to customize the in-game HUD if, for example, you want to make your explorations of Lost Heaven feel less guided or take a particularly pleasing screenshot:
- Switch the in-world main objective marker on/off.
- Switch mini-map enemy markers on/off on all difficulty settings. (Previously enemy markers were always on outside of Classic Mode.)
- Switch navigation features like turn-by-turn instructions and the mini-map GPS on/off.
- Enable the new Minimal HUD mode to hide HUD elements including the mini-map, the speedometer, and objective text while playing.
Noir Mode
- Enable Noir Mode to enjoy Mafia: Definitive Edition’s gameplay and cinematics with a vintage black-and-white look. Noir Mode can be toggled on and off via the game options screen.
Free Ride Content
Now that you’re off to the races and enjoying Free Ride mode, depending on which vehicle you’re driving and where you’re driving it, you might find one of a couple new gameplay features that we’ve added to the mode. We’ll leave the specifics for you to discover and hope you fare well in Lost Heaven.
Mafia: Definitive Edition fixes in this update include but are not limited to the following:
- Addressed a reported issue that sometimes prevented the correct vehicles from unlocking in the player garage upon completion of the optional Lucas Bertone missions. Players who have completed these missions should find the correct vehicles in their garage the next time they start the game.
- Addressed a reported concern that a special assassination animation sometimes wasn’t triggering correctly during the mission “The Saint and The Sinner.”
- Addressed a reported concern that certain cinematics would occasionally show a black screen.
"Tussen droom en daad staan wetten in de weg, en praktische bezwaren" "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the crew"
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DTS - Foto's en verslagen
_____Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety,_____
____________deserve neither Liberty nor Safety - Benjamin Franklin___________________
_________Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral - Bertolt Brecht______________
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