Prototype verschijnt in de winkels zonder multiplayer mode

Radical Entertainment is hard bezig aan hun game Prototype, van deze game wordt veel verwacht en dat is de makers maar al te duidelijk. Ze hebben hoge eisen gesteld aan hun nieuwste titel.

Protoype zou een game worden die vooral op de singleplayer mode was gericht. Echter doordat er vanuit de gameswereld vaak naar boven komt dat co-op gaming zeer hot is, hebben de makers ook deze mogelijkheid onderzocht. Producer Tim Bennison heeft echter onlangs toch te kennen gegeven dat deze mode uit de game geschrapt is. De online co-opmode was de enige multiplayermode in Prototype, dus vanaf nu zal de game singleplayer only worden. Radical Entertainment geloofde niet dat de multiplayer goed tot zijn recht zou kunnen komen in hun game en heeft daarom deze radicale beslissing genomen.

Tim Bennison verklaart: "From its inception PROTOTYPE was planned first and foremost as a single player open-world/action game. Naturally, with Alex's genetically mutated shape-shifting abilities, we started to explore what would happen if he were to sub-divide into two PROTOTYPEs and what kind of multiplayer gameplay we could create around that concept. We've been looking at this potential multiplayer idea much more closely as PROTOTYPE's development has been progressing, and while it's a great concept and gameplay bonus, our conclusion is that we won't be able to pull it off with the same level of quality and polish that we're aiming for with the original single player story.

We want gamers to really dig into the main elements of PROTOTYPE, find out about Alex and his past, play through all the storyline and uncover everything there is to find out in the Web of Intrigue, explore all Alex's different powers and abilities, and use the "Deceive or Destroy" gameplay to get through the game in multiple ways. As you can see there's already a ton for us to deliver just in PROTOTYPE's single player experience, so we really need ALL of our resources focused on shipping what we originally set out to do: PROTOTYPE as a ground-breaking, single player open-world/action title."

Prototype zal uitkomen voor zowel de PC, Xbox 360 als de PlayStation 3.