DS gameplay filmpjes
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Yoshi's Island 2
Starfox DS
Mario vs DK 2
New Kirby
Elite Beat Agents (Ouendan)
Chibi Robo
DS Air
Helaas heeft de betreffende site alle E3 filmpjes weggehaald vanwege teveel dataverkeer: Unfortunately we have now had to remove all of our E3 videos for the time being to make sure the site does not get completely destroyed. This actually works out better for you guys in the long run as it means the videos will be back up sooner. If we left them up now it could be many weeks before GCCafé is back up again. Hopefully we will have these issues resolved and the videos will be back up again shortly. Thank you for understanding.
Alleen de filmpjes van Zelda en Yoshi werken, de rest niet.
Nu die ook niet meer
Nu die ook niet meer
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