"PS3 stapt over concurrentie heen"

Vanaf vandaag is de laatste next-gen console te koop, de PlayStation 3. Ray Maguire van Sony Europa is het hier overigens niet echt mee eens. Hij is van mening dat de PlayStation 3 pas de eerste échte next-gen console is en de concurrentie niet meer dan veredelde 'current-gen'. De PlayStation 3 biedt met echte HD graphics (1080p), Blu Ray, HDMI en de Cell chip pas écht een stap voorwaarts:
Many people are saying we're now joining the next-generation console era, but I believe we've stepped over the current next-gen to create the real next-generation.

All of those things are part of moving from the PlayStation 2 era to the PlayStation 3 and leaving behind all of the middle products that are in the market place right now, which clearly don't compare in terms of technical prowess

Maguire ging ook nog even in op de concurrentie van de Xbox 360, maar wilde niet zover gaan om de PS3 met de 360 te vergelijken: We're not hooked into a world which was technologically average two years ago. You can't compare the two. If you're comparing the two we would have had the same technology and we'd be at the same price - we're not