
God of War III géén haastklus

Terwijl we in Nederland nog even geduld moeten hebben op God of War II,dat samen met Final Fantasy XII moet gaan dienen als laatste PS2 klapper, zijn er al woorden gerept over God of War III. De regisseur van God of War II, Corey Barlog, heeft namelijk nu al gezegd dat het derde avontuur van Kratos geen haastklus zal gaan worden.

"All the people who bought the first game were PS2 owners, so we wanted to stay with that especially because... I want to make the PS3 version of this game, absolutely, but I don't want to make it quickly. I don't want to quickly rush it out the door and be like, 'Oh my gosh, we need to get this out!' because we probably would have pushed ourselves to make it around the launch window and I think we would have sacrificed something by trying to take what we had and shoving it in there as quickly as possible."

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God of War II: Divine Retribution