Rainbow Six Patriots nog steeds in ontwikkeling

In een gesprek met IGN heeft Ubisoft bevestigd dat er nog steeds gewerkt wordt aan Rainbow Six Patriots. Executive director Alain Corre geeft aan dat men de game 'perfect' wil maken voordat men de game officieel zal gaan onthullen.

"On Rainbow 6, it’s still cooking," zei Corre tegen IGN. "It’s an important franchise for Ubisoft. We want to make sure, on this one, like all the other games we’re working on, that we bring it when we feel it’s perfect."

Het is overigens mogelijk dat 'Patriots' uit de titel verdwijnt, daar is men nog niet over uit: "We can’t say yet. We’re iterating," aldus Corre. "What we want is to have a compelling story. We want people who play the next Rainbow 6 to be astonished, to be very pleased with what they see. You’ve seen that the improvement in games over the last few years has been exponential. We have to reflect that improvement in quality. That’s what we’re doing on all our games."

Ubisoft denkt dat ze genoeg creativiteit en innovatie hebben om iets te maken waar we echt op zitten te wachten. Tot de onthulling van de game blijft het voor ons afwachten. 

"What we have to do, and it’s something that is very important for us, is that we bring a new iteration when we believe that we have enough creativity, enough innovation, to make something worth waiting for. On some games, it happens more often. Creation is not an exact science. When we’re happy with what we see, when we think we can bring something new to gamers, then we say, ‘okay, this is a good time to release it.' "