Rockstar-baas Dan Houser is niet blij met casual gaming

Hoewel Rockstar-baas Dan Houser openlijk laat weten dat hij respecteert wat Nintendo bereikt met de Wii, is hij duidelijk gefrustreerd door de hype van casual games boven hardcore games.

"F**k all this stuff about casual gaming," aldus Houser in een interview met New York Magazine.

"The Wii is doing something totally different, which is fantastic. [But] we're hopefully going to prove that there's also a very big audience for people who want entertainment in another form, who think of games as being a narrative device that can challenge movies," zei hij.

Het commentaar van Houser komt op een moment dat hardware producenten, game-uitgevers en critici het moeilijk hebben met de verschuiving in de gamewereld richting casual easy-to-play games om nieuwe markten aan te boren.

"We're not going release a large number of games," voegde Houser toe. "They're going to have the production values of movies. They're gonna be about themes that interest us... instead of the weird, special video game-only themes that too many people make -- orcs and elves, or monsters, or space."