Reeves: Kerstperiode niet van levensbelang voor de PS3

Ondanks wat vele analisten voorspelde is SCEE president David Reeves niet onder de indruk van speculaties dat de PS3 het goed moet doen tijdens de Kerstperiode van 2007 om in leven te blijven.

Zo stelt hij:

I think each peak is crucial to maximise what you can do, but I don't think this Christmas is necessarily the most critical one - I think that's going to be Christmas 08."
"I see this more as kind of like a tsunami – it starts small and gathers speed, and eventually, after four or five years, it will start to take you over."

Als laatste benadrukte hij de instelling van Sony:

"We are confident but not arrogant about reaching a very, very good installed base on PS3, and having the same momentum that we had with the PS2. We're not putting our heads in the sand - we know it's not selling that well, but we know that it's selling according to the targets."