'Street Fighter X Tekken krijgt veel DLC'

Er is weer eens een lijstje gelekt en dit keer is het voor de DLC van Street Fighter X Tekken. Hieronder zien we verschillende DLC-pakketten van personages tot aan kostuums voor alle vechters.

Bekijk hieronder het gelekte lijstje:

  • Boost Gem Pack 1 - $2.99, Includes 9 new gems to equip to your characters.
  • Boost Gem Pack 2 - $2.99, Includes 9 new gems to equip to your characters.
  • Color Edit Pack 1 - FREE, Includes 4 new colors to use in the Color Edit mode.
  • Costume Swap S Pack - $9.99, Includes a new costume for each of the Street Fighter characters, based on a Tekken character.
  • Costume Swap T Pack - $9.99, Includes a new costume for each of the Tekken characters, based on a Street Fighter character.
  • Costume Swap X Pack - $15.99, A combination of the S Pack and T Pack - Includes new costumes for each character, based on characters from the opposite series.
  • New Challengers Pack - $7.99, Adds 4 new characters to the game: Cody, Guy, Christie and Leo.
  • X Unlocker - $4.99, Unlocks two secret characters, Akuma and Ogre, as well as all additional character colors and special modes without having to perform the in-game tasks to unlock them.

Street Fighter X Tekken komt 9 maart uit voor PS Vita, Xbox 360, Windows en PS3.