Interview met Kaz Hirai

Naar aanleiding van het meest recente analistenrapport over de stand van zaken de komende generatie, waar je hier over kunt lezen, nam Gamespot contact op met de baas van Sony Computer Entertainment of America, Kaz Hirai.

GS: Now according to their report, by 2011, when the next-gen console market matures, the PS3 will have a 44 percent market share. Do you think that's a fair prediction?

KH: 2011 is, what, five years from now? So I really can't say one way or the other whether that percentage is the right percentage. My plan basically is to make sure that we keep at least as much market share as we have had with the PS1 and the PS2. We don't plan on ceding any of the market share to our competitors, especially after the cycle has gone deep.

GS: Right. But Sony has something like 60 percent market share now, and they have Microsoft gaining over 15 percent of that.

KH: Well, the numbers change depending on how you slice and dice the data. What I'm saying is, given any metric they use to chart sales between 2006 and 2011, or calendar year to date of 2001, whatever you do, when we look back, I'd like to think that our market share will be as good--if not better--than what we've accomplished with the PS2 in the same kind of time frame since launch.

Het hele interview is hier te lezen en beluisteren.