AI Picture Gallery #129

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] full view "opal Dragon with chrome shinny scales" ::1 flying the clouds, hyper - realistic Film, cinematic screengrab, majestic excelior dragon of the jewels, perfect japanese dragon, sci - fi, futuristic, fantastic, fire, mountains, purple, green, pastelpunk, ethereal, heavy clouds in the background, fog, volumetrics, inspired by Yoshitaka Amano and Beksinski, space opera, the twilgiht galactic empire, fantasy directed by Guillermo del Toro, concept art by Peter Mohrbacher, Clothing by Alexander Mcqueen, hypermaximalism, intricate jewelry, colorful, full hd, high detail, japan 1800, warhammer 40k, intricate background, legend, epic, perfection, dramatic composition ::1 borders ::-0.5 frame ::-0.5 mockup ::-0.5