Dishonored-DLC trophies uitgelekt

Voor wie niet kan wachten om weer met Corvo Attano aan de slag te gaan is er goed nieuws. Er is een lijst met trofeeën uitgelekt voor de DLC "The Other Side of The Coin" van Dishonored.

Just Business - You got the information needed from the Rothwild Slaughterhouse
Missing Pieces - You obtained Delilah Copperspoon’s identity from Thalia Timish
Well Connected - You purchased all of the Favors in The Other Side of the Coin
No Regrets - You completed The Other Side of the Coin in High Chaos
Redemptive Path - You completed The Other Side of the Coin in Low Chaos
Whisper Ways - You completed The Other Side of the Coin without alerting anyone
Cleaner Hands - You completed The Other Side of the Coin without killing anyone
Rats and Ashes - You caused a death using an arc mine and a rat
Message from the Empress - You performed a drop assassination from atop the Empress statue
Stone Cold Heart - You spoke with the statue of Delilah in Timsh’s estate

Verdere details over de DLC of de releasedatum zijn nog niet bekend, maar de liefhebbers kunnen binnenkort weer aan de slag met Dishonored.