Beste Hardware- en softwareverkopen Canada in juni
1. Nintendo Wii - 53,000
2. Nintendo DS - 47,500
3. PlayStation 2 - 21,000
4. PlayStation Portable - 18,500
5. Xbox 360 - 13,500
6. Gameboy Advance- 8,800
7. PlayStation 3 - 6,500
1. Wii - Mario Party 8
2. Wii - Wii Play with Wii Remote
3. NDS - Pokémon Diamond
4. XBX - Value Pack (included games vary)
5. 360 - Forza Motorsport 2
6. NDS - Pokémon Pearl
7. 360 - Guitar Hero II with guitar
8. Wii - Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
9. Wii - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
10. Wii - Super Paper Mario