Turks grondoffensief in Noord-Irak

De grondoperatie volgde nadat het leger PKK-kampen eerst vanuit de lucht en met artillerie had beschoten, aldus de Turkse generale staf. ''Na dit succesvol offensief volgde een grensoverschrijdende grondoperatie die gesteund wordt door de luchtmacht.''
Het leger stelt in een verklaring op zijn website veel waarde te hechten aan de Iraakse territoriale integriteit en stabiliteit. Het heeft aangekondigd dat de militairen zo snel mogelijk zullen terugkeren naar Turkije als het doel van de operatie is bereikt.
De Iraakse regering liet bij monde van minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hoshiyar Zebari weten niet op de hoogte te zijn van een Turks militair offensief in het noorden van het land.

Met dank aan Fettah en Real_Fairlane voor de submit.
Rebels from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) say they have clashed with Turkish troops who have made an incursion into northern Iraq.
Turkish TV said 3,000 to 10,000 soldiers had entered Iraq, and the country's military said the land offensive had fighter aircraft in support.
But Iraq's foreign minister denied it was a major operation, saying only a few hundred troops were involved.
The European Union repeated its call for Turkey, which is seeking EU membership, to refrain from any disproportionate military action.
Britain has urged the Turkish Army to leave Iraqi territory as early as possible and the United States has also raised concerns.
"The Turkish Armed Forces, which attach great importance to Iraq's territorial integrity and stability, will return home in the shortest time possible after its goals have been achieved," the General Staff said in a statement posted on its Web site.
A military source based in southeast Turkey told Reuters: "Thousands of troops have crossed the border and thousands more are waiting at the border to join them if necessary."
A PKK spokesman in northern Iraq said rebels were battling the Turkish troops.
"There are severe clashes. Two Turkish soldiers have been killed and eight wounded. There are no PKK casualties," Ahmed Danees, head of foreign relations for the PKK, told Reuters by satellite phone from an undisclosed location.
It was not possible to independently verify his statement.
Iraq's foreign minister played down the operation.
"There has not been any major incursion or land invasion ... What is going on is around a few hundred Turkish forces have crossed the border looking for the PKK or their bases," Hoshiyar Zebari said.
The US military said it was aware that Turkish forces had launched the offensive against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), considered a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union.
Rear Admiral Gregory Smith, a US military spokesman in Baghdad, said the operation was understood to be of "limited duration" and aimed solely at PKK fighters hiding in the area.
NATO member Turkey says it has the right under international law to hit Turkish PKK rebels who shelter in northern Iraq and have mounted attacks inside Turkey that have killed scores of troops.
Turkey says some 3,000 PKK rebels are based in Iraq.
The Turkish Government blames the PKK for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people since it began an armed struggle for a Kurdish homeland in southeast Turkey in 1984.
- Reuters
PKK fotofotofotofotofoto KURDISTAN fotofotofotofotofoto
Turkije fotofotofotofotofotofoto
Echt waar, dit is zielig foto
Tevens is Turkije een land wat genocide heeft gepleegd, en dat meerdere keren, dus hou alsjeblieft op.
Dit overtreft alles.
(en dan van die hele grote) loopt, dan ben jij dat wel... Bolle Boris.
offtopic: Waarom zie ik bij deze topic geen berichten staan?
Live like you'll die today...
44 terroristen gedood en 5 soldaten gesneuveld....
Tells a lot about a bunch of guerrilla fighters. foto
Ondertussen hebben wij wel 25 Production Sharing Contracts getekend met Amerikaanse, Koreaanse, Russische, Maleisische, Canadese etc. oliemaatschappijen. Dit hoewel er nog geen overeenstemming is over de oliewet tussen Erbil en Bagdad. Maw, NOG meer erkenning van Kurdistan, waarbij Bagdad voorbijgelopen wordt. Dat is de ware reden wat Turkije en Iran zo angstig maakt. Helaas kunnen jullie zelfs samen met elkaar NIETS tegen deze situatie doen. Simpelweg omdat er nu veel te grote economische belangen op het spel staan.
Welterusten jongen. Ik maak je wel wakker wanneer je weer naar school moet.
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