AI Picture Gallery #69

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] Aesthetic parade, Roman, Japanese, Egyptian, botanical, Cyberpunk, neon, standing in front of a giant weapon Ceramic Glossy, Caped Futurism, Blade Fighter Style, Futurism, Surreal at Night, Ultra Detail, High Resolution, Widescreen, 8k, Depth of Field, DOF, Tilt Blur, Shutter Speed 1/1000,F/22, Gamma, White Balance, Neon, Light, Dark, Light Mode, Dark Mode, High Contrast, 5D, Multiuniverse, 180k, Super Resolution, Megapixel, ProPhoto RGB, VR, Front Light, Half Light, Backlight, Edge Light, Edge Lighting, Artificial Lighting, Natural Lighting, Incandescent, Fiber, Moody Lighting, Movie Lighting, Studio Lighting, Soft Lighting, Hard Lighting, Body Light, Body Light, Contrast, Rembrandt Lighting, Split Lighting, Beauty Lighting, Focus Lighting, Global Lighting, lumen Global Lighting, Screen Space Global Lighting, Ray Tracking Global Lighting, Optics, Material, Ambient Occlusion, Scattering, Luminescence, Shadow, Rough, flicker, Ray Tracking Reflection, Lumen Reflection, Screen Space Reflection, Diffraction Classification, Chromatic aberration, GB Displacement, Scan Line, Ray Tracking, Ray Tracking Ambient Occlusion, Anti-aliasing, FKAA, TXAA, RTX, SSAO, Shaders, OpenGL-Shaders, GLSL-Shaders, Post-processing, Post-Production, Cel Shading, Tone Mapping, CGI, VFX, SFX, Extremely Detailed and Complex, Super Maximized, Elegant, Super Realistic, Super Detailed, Photography, ultra detailed, high resolution, ultra wide Angle, widescreen, 8k