OnLive ziet samenwerking met Sony en Microsoft wel zitten
Cloud gaming bedrijf OnLive ziet een samenwerking met Sony en Microsoft wel zitten. Hun streaming game service zou het volgens OnLive-directeur Bruce Grove heel goed doen op de volgende Xbox en PlayStation 4.
"If they decide they want to use our technology, that would be a great discussion because we've already got the infrastructure," zegt hij. "We know how to do it. There are a lot of things we could bring to the table and they could bring to the table. It would certainly be a discussion we would love to have. It would be very interesting."
Op de vraag of er al contact is geweest met Sony en Microsoft zegt Grove dat ze gesprekken hebben met veel personen. Zowel Microsoft als Sony zouden volgens geruchten bezig zijn met hun nieuwe consoles die in 2012 gepresenteerd zullen worden. Volgens analisten is het goed mogelijk dat beide consoles games hybride gaan aanbieden, dus ouderwets op een schijfje en via cloud gaming. Dit laatste is zeer interessant voor OnLive en Grove is er vrijwel zeker van dat Sony en Microsoft gebruik gaan maken van deze technologie.
"We've built this technology to fit the growing broadband trend," aldus Grove. "They've also got to satisfy their userbase that isn't necessarily just going to leap on that. They've got a legacy to support as well as dive forward. We had no legacy to support, which means our userbase by nature is only going to be a connected userbase. So we get to move forward. That unshackles us in a way they can't be. Hybrid is got to be the way they're thinking about this. But knowing the technology works, seeing it works, they've also got to be thinking, this is going to be the future in some form. Just in the way with Xbox Live and multiplayer, they build them in, but not everyone takes advantage of them. It just becomes another feature that is part of the general gaming quiver."
[ Bericht gewijzigd door The_Avatar op donderdag 8 december 2011 @ 15:17 ]
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