[Video] Geesten slaan vrouw in elkaar
Zo vlak voor middernacht nog een spookverhaal met een eng filmpje. Een Britse vrouw beweert namelijk al zeven maanden te worden geslagen door een paar huisspoken.
De 52-jarige Gaynor Issitt bedekt haar lichaam tijdens het slapen met maar liefst tien kussens sinds ze herhaaldelijk werd gewekt door onzichtbare vuisten die haar in elkaar sloegen. De vrouw zegt dat de geesten al eens hebben gepoogd haar van de trap te duwen en haar meubels in brand te steken. Ook haar beste vriend werd na een logeerpartijtje in het huis in Braunstone wakker met twee blauwe ogen.
"Ik kom niet van ze af", klaagt Issitt, die twee kinderen heeft. "Ze volgen me zelfs naar de supermarkt. En als ik op vakantie ga naar Lanzarote, gaan ze gezellig mee." De geplaagde vrouw heeft inmiddels een medium in de arm genomen.
Een filmpje dat The Sun van het huis maakte
Dat is zeg maar de Nederlandse taal op een vuige keukentafel voorover buigen en hem dan zonder glijmiddel anaal verkrachten. :'(
)) o (( Don't spill the beans!! No Waste Army )) o ((
Djeez is een literaire grootheid. Hij weet op een poëtische wijze zelfs de schoonheid in een kinderverkrachting bloot te leggen. Tuinbeeld kopen?
Gewoon op zolder gaan slapen en een fietspomp op de trap zetten zodat je de geest(en) hoort aankomen. Want dan valt die fietspomp tenzij die geest(en) er overheen zweven.
Het mens is knettergek!
Mochten er toch geesten bestaan, dan zegt elke religie (zelfs afrikaanse voodoo dat zich 99% met geesten bezig houd) dat geesten de mensen niet kunnen aanraken..
en dan is deze mevrouw geslagen zeker haha.
het zal vast haar man zijn geweest toen ze weer niet haar bek wou houden tijdens voetbal.
Hier wordt een vrouw iedere keer aangerand / verkracht door een geest verscheining.
Beschrijving in engels bron van Wikipedia.
The movie begins as Carla Moran (Barbara Hershey) a single mother, is violently raped in her home by an unseen force. Initially convinced the attack was a nightmare, a subsequent episode of poltergeist activity causes her to flee with her children to a friend's home.
Evidently followed by the entity, Carla is nearly killed the following day when her car mysteriously loses control in traffic. Urged by her friend Cindy to see a psychiatrist, Carla meets with Dr. Sneiderman (Ron Silver)and tentatively agrees to undergo therapy. An attack occurs that leaves bruises and other injuries on Carla which she shows to Dr. Sneiderman who believes she has caused them to herself. We learn that Carla suffered a variety of traumas in her childhood and adolescence including sexual abuse, teenage pregnancy and the violent death of her first husband. Dr. Sneiderman believes her apparent paranormal experiences are delusions resulting from her past psychological trauma. He urges her to commit herself to a psychiatric hospital for observation. She refuses.
After Carla's friend Cindy witnesses an attack, the two explore possible supernatural causes. While visiting a local bookstore, Carla happens to meet two parapsychologists who she convinces to visit her home. Initially skeptical, the scientists witness several paranormal events and agree to study the home. During their study Dr. Sneiderman arrives and confronts Carla, trying to convince her that the manifestation is in her mind, but she dismisses him. Reassured that her case is being taken seriously, Carla begins to relax. Carla's boyfriend Jerry visits and she suffers a particularly disturbing attack which he witnesses. Hearing the commotion, Carla's son enters the room and believes that that Jerry is harming her prompting him to attack Jerry. Later at the hospital, Jerry is so troubled by what he saw, he ends their relationship.
Desperate for an solution to her problem Carla agrees to participate in a complicated study carried out by parapsychologists at a local university. A full mock-up of her home is created as a trap to lure the entity. Once inside, it would be frozen in liquid helium. Before the experiment can begin, Dr. Sneiderman arrives and unsuccessfully tries to convince Carla to leave. The entity eventually manifests as a cold wind and unexpectedly takes control of the helium tanks, attempting to kill Carla who defiantly stands up to it, stating that it can never have her. Dr. Sneiderman rushes in and saves her. As they escape the laboratory, they see the entity frozen for a brief period into a very large mass of ice. It eventually breaks free and vanishes. Carla returns to her house the next day. The front door slams by itself and a demonic voice greets her. She calmly opens the door, exits the house, and gets in a car with her family and leaves.
The film ends with captions stating that Carla's attacks have decreased in both frequency and intensity, but that she still experiences paranormal activities.
Major Events in the History of the Blair Witch
The Township of Blair was located in North Central Maryland, two hours from Washington, D.C.
Several children accuse Elly Kedward of luring them into her home to draw blood from them. Kedward is found guilty of witchcraft, banished from the village during a particularly harsh winter and presumed dead.
By midwinter all of Kedward's accusers along with half of the town's children vanish. Fearing a curse, the townspeople flee Blair and vow never to utter Elly Kedward's name again.
The Blair Witch Cult is published. This rare book, commonly considered fiction, tells of an entire town cursed by an outcast witch.
Burkittsville is founded on the Blair site.
Eleven witnesses testify to seeing a pale woman's hand reach up and pull ten-year-old Eileen Treacle into Tappy East Creek. Her body is never recovered, and for thirteen days after the drowning the creek is clogged with oily bundles of sticks.
Eight-year-old Robin Weaver is reported missing and search parties are dispatched. Although Weaver returns, one of the search parties does not. Their bodies are found weeks later at Coffin Rock tied together at the arms and legs and completely disemboweled.
Starting with Emily Hollands, a total of seven children are abducted from the area surrounding Burkittsville, Maryland.
An old hermit named Rustin Parr walks into a local market and tells the people there that he is "finally finished." After Police hike for four hours to his secluded house in the woods, they find the bodies of seven missing children in the cellar. Each child has been ritualistically murdered and disemboweled. Parr admits to everything in detail, telling authorities that he did it for "an old woman ghost" who occupied the woods near his house. He is quickly convicted and hanged.
Montgomery College students Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, and Michael Williams arrive in Burkittsville to interview locals about the legend of the Blair Witch for a class project. Heather interviews Mary Brown an old and quite insane woman who has lived in the area all her life. Mary claims to have seen the Blair Witch one day near Tappy Creek in the form of a hairy, half-human, half-animal beast.
In the early morning Heather interviews two fishermen who tell the filmmakers that Coffin Rock is less than twenty minutes from town and easily accessible by an old logging trail. The filmmakers hike into Black Hills Forest shortly thereafter and are never seen again.
The first APB is issued. Josh's car is found later in the day parked on Black Rock Road.
The Maryland State Police launch their search of the Black Hills area, an operation that lasts ten days and includes up to one hundred men aided by dogs, helicopters, and even a fly over by a Department of Defense Satellite.
The search is called off after 33,000 man hours fail to find a trace of the filmmakers or any of their gear. Heather's mother, Angie Donahue, begins an exhaustive personal search for her daughter and her two companions.
The case is declared inactive and unsolved.
Students from the University of Maryland's Anthropology Department discover a duffel bag containing film cans, DAT tapes, video-cassettes, a Hi-8 video camera, Heather's journal and a CP-16 film camera buried under the foundation of a 100 year-old cabin. When the evidence is examined, Burkittsville Sheriff Ron Cravens announced that the 11 rolls of black and white film and 10 HI8 video tapes are indeed the property of Heather Donahue and her crew.
After an initial study of the bag's contents, select pieces of film footage are shown to the families. According to Angie Donahue, there are several unusual events but nothing conclusive. The families question the thoroughness of the analysis and demanded another look.
The families are shown a second group of clips that local law enforcement officials consider to be faked. Outraged, Mrs. Donahue goes public with her criticism and Sheriff Cravens restricts all access to the evidence; a restriction that two lawsuits fail to lift.
The Sheriff's department announces that the evidence is inconclusive and the case is once again declared inactive and unsolved. The footage is to be released to the families when the legal limit of its classification runs out, on October 16, 1997.
The found footage of their children's last days is turned over to the families of Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, and Michael Williams. Angie Donahue contracts Haxan Films to examine the footage and piece together the events of October 20 - 28, 1994.
The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon
Om je dood te lachen...
El Coño
Maar dit filmpje zou zelfs ik kunnen maken
Ik zou niet een medium in de arm nemen, maar een goede stofzuiger.
is dit uit angst voor iets wat je niet kent? immers iets waar je bang voor bent waarvan iedereen zegt dat het niet bestaat, probeer je te relationeren... en dus worden het stofdeeltjes..
Op de kamer van onze oudste hebben wij een babyfoon met video functie, ook hier verschijnen vrijwel elke avond "orbs" die toch wel redelijk vreemde bewegingen maken voor een stofdeeltje...
Buiten dat op elke foto die wij maken, waar dan ook met diverse camera's verschijnen orb's bij mijn zoontje, ja, ook buiten....
zelf heb ik het ook wel eens een "aanvaring" gehad met een entiteit, snachts wakker worden nadat de deken van je afgetrokken werd, en je kussen onder je hoofd vandaan getrokken werd in een kamer waar alleen jij bent, doe je wel te denken zetten.
Helemaal als je stiefmoeder de volgende ochtend klaagt dat ze wakker werd gemaakt door gestreel.... terwijl er niemand van ons was....
dus ja..
dutchmage, ouwe kaenker taalpurist! O+
-webicon verwijderd, veel te groot, niet terugplaatsen-
edit:Zo vlak voor middernacht nog een 1 april grap met een filmpje
En post die foto's eens hier dan, dan verklaren wij "angstige" mensen het wel voor je.
"A computer is like airconditioning, as soon as you open Windows, it becomes useless!"
In a sky of a million stars
However, er is meer en heb wel apartere verhalen gehoord, wat je beschrijft is zeker mogelijk. Je moet alleen niet naar een medium gaan voor de oplossing. Die weten zelf negen van de tien keer niet waar ze hun info vandaan halen.
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