'Stargate blijft gewoon in ontwikkeling'
"We view it as unfortunate that JoWooD would elect to make such misleading and libelous comments to the media and the marketplace. Over the last 9 months, JoWooD has openly acknowledged being in breach of contract in a number of areas including many legal and confidentiality breaches as well as several financial defaults for work performed by Perception and accepted by JoWooD." zegt Ben Lenzo, CEO van Perception.
Ook zegt Perception dat de vertragingen in de game kwamen doordat JoWooD de financiële contracten niet nakwam en dat ze via de pers moesten horen dat ze 'van het project waren afgezet'.
"It's disappointing to hear of this so called termination via the press on the basis of a "get in first" tactic. This further suggests that JoWooD do not understand the terms of the contract. We are not surprised by their behavior or lack of appreciation for the goodwill Perception has afforded JoWooD on many occasions," aldus Lenzo.
Het is dus wel duidelijk dat deze kwestie nog niet over is. Perception zegt echter wel niet met modder te willen gaan gooien maar dat ze wel een statement moesten uitbrengen na de uitlatingen van JoWooD.