
Softwareverkopen Japan, 2 maal PSP in top 10

Afgelopen week hebben maar liefst twee PSP-games de top 10 best verkochte games gehaald in Japan: een nieuwe DBZ game en de FF2 remake. Daarnaast is de nummer één een PS2 game en dus mag gesproken worden van een prima week voor Sony. Wat dit voor de hardwareverkopen betekent kunnen we jullie morgen vertellen.

De lijst:

Pachinko/Pachislo Capture Serie 10: NGEPS2D380.58680.586
Eye TrainingDSNintendo62.537157.371
DBZ Another RoadPSPBandai Namco44.33744.337
Final Fantasy IIPSPSquare-Enix36.63736.637
Wii Sports WiiNintendo29.5701.687.388
Ouendan 2DSNintendo26.078139.988
Harvest MoonWiiMarvelous21.86621.866
Brain Training 2DSNintendo21.6804.349.623
Wii PlayWiiNintendo20.8971.376.899
New MarioDSNintendo19.7154.519.879

De nummers 11 t/m 30:

11./02. [WII] Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Capcom)
12./09. [NDS] More English Training (Nintendo)
13./13. [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
14./10. [NDS] Momotarou Dentetsu DS: Tokyo & Japan (Hudson)
15./17. [NDS] Brain Age (Nintendo)
16./12. [NDS] Kurikin: Nano Island Story (Nintendo)
17./22. [NDS] Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village (Level 5)
18./16. [NDS] English Training (Nintendo)
19./15. [NDS] Yoshi's Island DS (Nintendo)
20./18. [NDS] Animal Crossing Wild World (Nintendo)
21./14. [WII] Super Paper Mario (Nintendo)
22./11. [PSP] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War (Square-Enix)
23./20. [NDS] Kanji Brain Test 2M (IE Institute)
24./00. [NDS] Detailed Japanese History B Total Training (Bandai-Namco)
25./00. [NDS] Stock Trader Shun (Capcom)
26./21. [WII] Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Nintendo)
27./25. [NDS] Phoenix Wright 4 (Capcom)
28./28. [NDS] Kekkaishi: Tale of the Raven Forest (Bandai-Namco)
29./27. [NDS] Common Knowledge Training (Nintendo)
30./00. [NDS] Detailed World History B Total Training (Bandai-Namco)

De verdeling per console:

NDS - 20
WII - 6
PSP - 3
PS2 - 1