
Carmageddon op je GSM

Carmageddon, de bloederige PC-racer die heel wat stof heeft doen opwaaien, zal later dit jaar zijn opwachting maken op GSM's met Java-technologie. Synergenix zal de game gaan uitbrengen.

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Building on the success of this remarkable PC classic, we are bringing an experience that will dazzle players and put them in the front seat of the car of their dreams. CARMAGEDDON guns the engine and pushes drivers to their limits as they race other drivers and compete in a way you'll never see at the Indy 500. Those familiar with the PC-version will be impressed with a dynamic game that challenges their skills not only for racing but for personalizing their car and expanding those fins for speed.

Aldus Martin Forsling, CEO van Synergenix.