Duke Nukem Forever bestaat nog steeds
Wegens duidelijke redenen mogen de jongens van Shacknews niet veel zeggen over wat ze hebben meegemaakt met de game, maar het volgende konden ze in ieder geval kwijt:
We actually got to see the truth of Duke curator George Broussard's many past claims, including environmental puzzles and interactivity, a host of finished weapons, the existence of an in-game forklift, and plenty of heads and arms being blown off.We both confidently agree that after seeing this demonstration, Duke Nukem Forever is looking great, and will easily stand apart from the crowd in both visual and gameplay styles.
3D Realms eigenaar George Broussard heeft in de reacties ook nog het een en ander gezegd:
So they came over and we checked out some stuff and out of the blue I just decided to show them DNF for about an hour. We ran through a couple of maps and chatted about stuff and we asked for some feedback. It was pretty unofficial and off the cuff and just done because I've known the guys for a long time and they were local, and what the ****. They are being secretive/light on info because of obvious reasons, but just wanted to post and say "hey, we saw it and it's real".
Tot zo ver de tweemaandelijkse Duke Nukem update.

Always bet on Duke