"Volledige versie Race Driver: GRID veel beter dan demo"
"Just a few updates: Firstly, we v-sync every frame, but allow the game to overrun if needed, which is very rare and is much preferable to a complete frame drop. Secondly, our performance tests show that the 360 is running at a rock solid 30fps and the PS3 rarely drops, being rock solid 99% of the time. San Fran in the demo is probably our worst performer when the action gets really heavy on a couple of those long straights.Thirdly, we don't lead on any platform. We have dedicated teams on each platform as that is the only way to get the best from each of them. Fourthly, there are some extra performance improvements between the demo and release on PS3 as we were tuning right to the last minute. This should be apparent in our forthcoming reviews. Just to be on the safe side, we also have some further improvements lined up our patch"
Kort na de release van Race Driver GRID krijg je meteen al een patch. We zijn benieuwd wat de patch precies zal inhouden.