David Jaffe snapt Halo niet

David Jaffe, creative director van onder meer God of War, heeft delen van een online discussie over Halo die hij had met Sony designer Adam Orth online gezet. Jaffe begrijpt de populariteit van Halo niet en zegt naar aanleiding van Halo's reclame campagne het volgende:

"It's a decent ad I think. I just don't get HALO. I don't think the story is all that special, don't think the world or characters matter much. I don't know if I am simply not 'getting it' and it really is all that...or Microsoft has simply purchased rabid fan reactions for what is a great game but nothing more."

"I don't dislike Halo at all and really liked parts of Halo 2 alot...I am in minority who felt single player halo 2 was better than halo 1 single player. I mean, I hear people talk about the flood and shit and I'm like: what? Who gives a shit."

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David Jaffe