"Uitstel in Europa niet erg"
Met de PlayStation 3 verwacht de goede man hetzelfde, na een jaar of vijf maken die vijf maanden uitstel niet veel uit: If we were sitting here in five years' time, I don't think we'd really think about or notice that PlayStation 3 was four or five months later in Europe. I think in the long run, PlayStation 3 will succeed because of the great product it is and the great software we make for it
Sony vindt het overigens wel vervelend dat de launch nu pas in maart is en ze zullen er alles aan doen om het de beste PlayStation launch ooit te maken: We can truly empathise with everyone who was looking forward to PS3's imminent release. We will however be working tirelessly to ensure that the March 2007 launch is the biggest and best in the company's history