
Nieuwe filmpjes S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

In Kiev heeft men een paar dagen geleden op een beurs een multi-player tournament gehouden van S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Hier speelde men op testers_mp_factory""-map tegen elkaar voor een compleet nieuwe pc met alle toeters en bellen. De mensen van hebben hierbij erg goed gelet op deze speelmodus en een kleine waslijst van hun bevindingen online gezet:
* If someone shoots at you and you shoot back and take away the same amount of health at the same time, both will die.
* The name of the multiplayer map was "testers_mp_factory".
* I noticed 3 anomalies: "Shock", a gravitational anomaly and the "Meat Mincer".
- The so called "Shock" anomaly strikes you with lightning. I sprinted through it when it began to charge, but, fortunately, it didn't get me.
- The second anomaly "sucked" the player in and killed him.
- And the third one was incredible. I still don't fully understand what it does in the begining, but after you're killed, in it the dead body begins to spin (or swirl) in the air and explodes like a baloon, that is, torn into pieces (see video). A great thing - lots of blood.
* On the level mentioned, there were 3 dead, static cars - a Kraz, Kamaz and Zaporozhets.
* Ragdolls were amazing.
* Respawn looks cool, reminiscent of the Terminator movies: When the process of respawning begins, a small lightning strikes near you.
* PR manager Oleg Yavorsky reads regularly, so they've not forgotten the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community.
* Boxes and other objects seemed quite static, not movable. However, the physics engine was in use in regards to material penetration etc.
* Sounds were amazing, everything had its very own specific sound.
* The game crashed a few times, but it was A LOT MORE stable than the last time I played it.
* The Gamespy client was used for connecting.
* After respawning you are in a "god-mode" for about 5 seconds. During this period there's a sign over your head. There's a very cool animation when you shoot at someone who is immortal as the player has an invisible shield, but when a bullet strikes the god-like player, it shows smoke like on water - really difficult to describe
* Every anomaly seems to need some little time to charge. You do have the possibility to sprint through them if you're quick enough.
* When you begin to play , you have some money and you can buy a gun and some armour. If after dying you still have enough money, all stuff is rebought automatically (or you can open the buying menu). On the contrary, if you do not possess any money, the buying window opens and you have to decline gun, armour, both or something else.

Tevens kun je wat filmpjes downloaden die op het evenement zijn gemaakt. Het zijn helaas wel filmpjes die zijn opgenomen met een videocamera die gericht stond op een plasmascherm, dus de kwaliteit is niet al te best. Je kunt de filmpjes hier vinden.

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