Elk jaar een nieuwe Mortal Kombat
President David Zucker didn't have much else to say about Shaolin Monks, but he did confirm the company's plan to up the frequency of releases in the beat-'em-up series, arguing that it was something fans had been "calling for".
"Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks is also our first step toward delivering something that Mortal Kombat fans have been calling for: a new game set in the Mortal Kombat universe every year," he said in a statement. "We are planning our Mortal Kombat release schedule with the expectation that we will deliver a new Mortal Kombat title annually," he added.
beetje teveel van et slechte foto
Violets are blue
Wololo Wololo
Now violets are red too
Guybrush: No! No, that's not true! That's impossible!
LeChuck: Search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true!
Guybrush: Noooooooo!!!!
*drukt Sharkdoggie stevig tegen haar boezum aan en kroelt een beetje in zijn haren*
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