Nederlandse horror/comedy op z'n best

Van de makers van 'Angry Killer Person Man' is eindelijk de nieuwe film af:

'6 proefpersonen, 2 professors, 1 mysterieus artefact en 40 liter ketchup!'

De film is een nederlandstalig komisch horror-emo-drama en duurt ongeveer 40 minuten.Geen tijd? Kijk anders eerst de trailer.

Beschrijving van de film:

We have all heard the stories the government told us about the most gruesome experiment ever conducted in the history of mankind. We can tell you… they were lies. We know what happened during those two horrible weeks in 1996 and this day we’ve come here to face you with the truth. It isn’t pretty, but it has to be told…

This accurate reconstruction shows the horrors and monstrosities that six test subjects had to face during…Das Kuhnperiment!

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