Goldeneye misschien naar VC
Interessant, er komen dus meer titels."[...]
The only Rare-developed title on Virtual Console right now is the original Donkey Kong Country, and unofficially there's a strong likelihood that its sequels will follow.
Oei, licenties en eigenaarschap en dergelijke. Een utopie over de komst van Goldeneye lijkt te zijn bevestigd."[...]
But the Donkey Kong series of games is a Nintendo-owned franchise starring an established Nintendo character, whereas something like Banjo isn't (and even Diddy Kong Racing is less clear-cut), so it's nowhere near as easy to call.
Possible? Hoezo possible, geef ons duidelijkheid, want gaat de game nu naar Xbox Live Arcade of de Virtual Console?"[...]
"Especially when you also consider the existence of Xbox Live Arcade. So right now, the best answer we can offer (for either download service) is 'it's possible'.
Zodra de mensen bij Rare hebben uitgezocht wie welke rechten heeft over de game, weten we dus ook waar de titel heen gaat. Misschien dus!"[...]
Elsewhere on the Q&A page Rare's representative spoke more specifically about Goldeneye, explaining that it's "caught up in a convoluted web of rights", but that this "doesn't mean it won't happen, just that a lot of people with a lot of different perspectives are involved.