Vier de 'Day of Non-Violent Games'
Het hoofddoel van het evenment is mensen erop attent maken dat entertainment zonder geweld nog altijd zeer goed mogelijk is. Zo zijn er bordspellen, pool tafels en videogames. Deze videogames zullen uiteraard geweldloos zijn.
aldus Gretchen Long, directeur van de Boys and Girls Club in Irvine, California en Antonio Romero, directeur van Business Development in de US zei:"[...]
This event is for having fun and for parents and children to enjoy themselves while playing together
De 'Day of Non-Violent Games' is open voor iedereen en wordt onder meer gesteund door 'Ribbon of Promise' (nationale campagne tegen geweld op school) en het 'M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence'."[...]
We feel that there are many individuals and organizations in America that share our same belief of enjoyable entertainment without belligerence. We also believe that the violence in video games is a worldwide issue, where brutality is presented to children as the ultimate rush. For this reason, we would like to expand the celebration of the Day of Non-Violent Games in the United States and ask you to join us in making this event possible