

Bij Finch thuis staat alles in het teken van de aanstaande bruiloft. Verder ga ik hier geen woorden aan vuil maken, de quote van de submitter en de bijbehorende YouTube film zegt genoeg...

When a crowd spontaneously breaks into song, in this case "Ain't no mountain high enough," which became a hit in the late 1960s when Marvin Gaye recorded it, it's got to be one of those flash mobs that seem to be happening more often these days, right? Well, that's what happened at the Prudential Center a few weeks ago, except this was no ordinary flash mob. It was a flash wedding (and a Jewish wedding, as you'll note when they break the traditional glass at the end). And when bride and groom suddenly take off their regular clothes to reveal their wedding get-ups, the gig is up. And everyone realizes what's happening. It's cute. Just hope their honeymoon wasn't at the food court.

Met dank aan InTrePidIvity voor de submit.