SPOILERS Uiterlijk monster Cloverfield bekend

Lody (Mister_Monkeyman)

Ja mensen, de gehypte film van J. J. Abrams schijnt een uiterst vermakelijke film te zijn, en de eerste screenings zijn al geweest...

Dat houdt dus in dat er al mensen zijn die de film hebben gezien, en natuurlijk het monster vaak genoeg hebben gezien om het te beschrijven. Gelukkig bezoek ik de IMDB fora, en kwam dus al posts tegen van mensen die de film hadden gezien, en genoeg bewijs toonden dat ze de film ook daadwerkelijk hadden gezien. Enjoy, maar pas op






Van een IMDB user die een vroege screening van de film heeft gezien:

I suggest not reading spoilers. Wait for the movie. It's worth it.

So, spoiler warning! There was a free showing today at my school and I saw it (security was intense though or else I would of taken pictures :/ Metal detectors and such. )

The movie was FUNNY. Very funny. Mainly because the movie is very REAL... the characters say exactly what you would say to some of your friends. And very suspenseful in scenes, but not as much as a lot of other movies. I mean, they chose to walk down a dark subway tunnel. You know something is going to happen.

Anyways, I'm listing a few things about the movie. Read at your own risk.


1. Yes, the entire movie is from a hand-held camera. And it was AWESOME, though I did honestly get a little motion sick at times. But you really do feel like you're in the movie which is sweet. Leaving the building I kept thinking I was still there (and kept looking over my shoulder!).

2. As I said, the entire movie is from the camera- as in, there is no explanation for anything. It starts off with some small text on a black screen saying something like 'Camera found from formally Central Park' or whatever. And then it starts playing. And it just ends, too. Which is, in my opinion, a little frustrating.

3. Ok, so, what does the monster look like? Well, it's really hard to explain. You never really get a clear shot of it... it's always surrounded by a dust cloud and pops out only for a second (plus it was a HUGE lecture hall and by the time I got in, I was sitting pretty far back :( ). But from what I saw:

It walks on four legs. Has an alien like face (with red sacs on the side of the head that inflate as it breathes). Super long whip like tail. The arms/legs it walks on are very long and some what human like.. maybe ape like. Long fingers that grip on to buildings and such. Hairless. Grey. Some what long face but HUGE jaw (that snaps out like an alligator).

4. Ok, big monsters aren't that scary. But what is? TINY HUMAN SIZED monsters!! (DUNDUNDUUUUN!) Parasites (or babies, who knows) drop off of the monster and turn into spider/crocodile things. They are FAST and MEAN.

They're kind of hard to see in the movie since they move/attack so fast, but they have really long snouts and move with multiple arms like a spider. They can hang from the ceiling and their bite as poisionous. They are what made the movie scary for me.

5. The beginning is a little slow. I mean, over all, it's kind of a love story. This guy is leaving for Japan and he broke it off with the girl he loves and they get in a fight at his going-away- party. Then the monster attacks-he gets a call on his phone from her saying she can't move... and he goes (towards the monster) into the city to try and find her.


I can answer any questions (to the best of my ability) but I suggest watching the movie without spoilers. As in.. uh.. don't read any of the above? Hehe.


EDIT: Since my movie experience has been proven many times on this thread, and yet the question keeps popping up, here is proof of my ticket:

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c104/rabidlizzy/cloverfield3.jpg?t=1200256173 -- Screenie of the e-mail.

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c104/rabidlizzy/cloverfield.jpg?t=1200256230 -- Screenie of the text of the e-mail.

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c104/rabidlizzy/cloverfield2.jpg?t=1200256258 -- Picture of my ticket on my frig using my favorite magnet :D

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c104/rabidlizzy/cloverfield1.jpg?t=1200256293 -- Another picture.

Feel free to also contact the UAB department on Michigan State University.

Van een andere IMDB user:

The parasites are fast and mean and in the movie just pop out of no where (whether from hanging on the ceiling or from around a corner) and tackle their prey and start slashing like crazy. Only one of the main characters (Marlena) was bitten, and later she explodes after being taken inside a tent by the army (you just see the silhouette). So the parasites must have some form of venom.

Jason (the brother of the guy leaving to Japan) gets seperated from the others on the bridge when they're trying to leave. He stands up on a pole or something and calls out to them and a giant tail comes flying out of no where and smashes down right on top of him (and pulling the bridge down with him).

Hub (the main camera man) dies at the end after the helicopter he was in crashes and starts to run away with his friends only to realize he left the camera on the ground. He runs back but when he turns around, BAM, the monster is right above him. It just kind of looks around, then looks down (this is the only time you get a clear, dust free day time shot of the monster) and then snaps out it's crocodile like mouth and the camera is tossed around and you just hear *CRUNCHCRUNCHCRUNCH*

Lily survives (at least from what we know). She's placed on a helicopter and flies away while calling for her friends, since there wasn't enough room for them on the chopper.

Rob and Beth are the only survivors when they land in central park (after Hub dies, they pick up the camera and run away while roaring and ground shaking occurs around them (the monster is still around). They hide underneath a bridge and say their final words into the camera. Then a huge explosion occurs (nuke) and the camera falls and is covered in rubble.

Hier pics van het monster, gemaakt door mensen die de film hebben gezien:



En zo zouden de parasieten eruit moeten zien: