AI Picture Gallery #139

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] Full body of beautiful mecha cyborg Tifa Lockhart, wearing tight fitted state of the art latex pilot suit covering whole body, intense and penetrating eyes, smooth straight long hair fall around her face with a straight long braid down her back, faint hint of cold coercive smile on her face, gigantic futuristic exoskeleton, slim golden ratio fitness body with long leg, dynamic pose, meticulous detail, Rembrandt Lighting, full body, metallic lustre ::2.6 + in the background, creamy soft bokeh, swirly bokeh, Helios 44 - 2 lens, out of focus blurry cyberpunk city, steam smoke comes up, starry vibrant city lights, neon light, shimmering light, whimsical light ::1.6 + RAW photo, ambient occlusion, dynamic lighting, 8k, octane render, highly detailed, very realistic, hyper - realism, professional color grading, 3D blender rendering, UHD, Cinematic lighting, cinematic, unreal engine 5, Ray tracing, Photorealistic, Anti - Aliasing, FXAA, TXAA, Shaders, Volumetric Lighting, intricate detail, meticulously detailed, photography, photojournalism, full body portrait ::1