AI Picture Gallery #59

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] protrait character design, D&D stonepunk, prehistoric saber-toothed tiger tabaxi warrior, strong, realistic character, stonepunk background, Unreal Engine, Cinematic, Color Grading, Ultra-Wide Angle, Depth of Field, hyper-detailed, beautiful color-coded, insane details, intricate details, beautifully color graded, Cinematic, Color Grading, Editorial Photography, Photography, Photoshoot, Depth of Field, DOF, Tilt Blur, Shutter Speed 1/1000, F/22, White Balance, 32k, Super-Resolution, Megapixel, ProPhoto RGB, VR, Lonely, Good, Massive, Lighting, Backlight, Natural Lighting, Incandescent, Optical Fiber, Moody Lighting, Cinematic Lighting, Studio Lighting, Soft Lighting, Volumetric, Contre-Jour, Beautiful Lighting, Accent Lighting, Global Illumination, Screen Space Global Illumination, Ray Tracing Global Illumination, Optics, Scattering, Glowing, Shadows, Rough, Shimmering, Ray Tracing Reflections, Lumen Reflections