AI Picture Gallery #50

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] young short girl in jumpsuit with green hair, techwear style, hyperdetailed, strong Impressionism paint style, golden ratio, elegant, ethereal, intricate, elaborate, hyperrealism, hyper detailed, strong expressiveness and emotionality, by ayami kojima, tom bagshaw, yanjun cheng, artgerm, wlop, krenz cushart, gweiz, Thomas Kinkade, Gerald Brom, cinematic lighting, visual clarity, 200mm, UHD, 32k, 16k, 8k, 3D shading, Tone Mapping, Ray Tracing Global Illumination, Diffraction Grating, Crystalline, Lumen Reflections, Super-Resolution, gigapixel, color grading, retouch, enhanced, PBR, Blender, V-ray, Procreate, zBrush, Unreal Engine 5, Cinema 4D, ROMM RGB, Adobe After Effects, 3DCG, VFX, SFX, FXAA, SSAO