Toelichting Dragon Age: Inquisition-multiplayer


Bioware geeft op hun website een toelichting op de multiplayer co-opmodus. In Dragon Age: Inquisition kun je met 12 verschillende personages uit drie klassen spelen. Om een nieuw personage te krijgen moet je onderdelen vinden van het bijbehorende harnas.

De namen van de personages zijn:  The Archer, The Assassin, The Elementalist, The Legionnaire, The Keeper, The Reaver, The Arcane Warrior, The Katari, The Hunter, The Necromancer, The Alchemist, en The Templar. Bioware verklaart over het verkrijgen van de personages: “If you craft a set of Alchemist Armor, you unlock that character, who can then open up a lot of possibilities on MP missions. You can also craft new armors for characters you already own. They will give your character a new special look but no extra stats.” Bioware heeft al beloofd meer personages uit te brengen. Zes personages worden hieronder toegelicht.

De co-opmodus is voor maximaal vier spelers. Wat je doet in multiplayer heeft geen invloed op single player en omgekeerd. Je kunt geen items meenemen van de ene modus naar de andere. Er zijn uitdagingen (challenges)  gekoppeld aan een wekelijks systeem genaamd ‘operations’ die je beloningen geven. Je kan in de multiplayer maximaal level 20 worden. Daarna kun je promoveren en attribuut-punten krijgen voor je multiplayerpersonages en prestige-punten voor de leaderboards. Er is geen cross-platform multiplayer mogelijk.

Over loot zegt Bioware,You will find gold coins and items (not potions), and at the end of a mission, you can use gold coins to buy chests. They will contain a variety of different items (weapons, weapon mods, potions, runes, armor, etc.). We are developing Dragon Age multiplayer with quick engagement in mind. We want it to be easy to play a round, acquire new loot, and jump back into the action. Now that you have new cool weapons and armor, why wouldn't you try another mission?

De verschillende personages binnen de klassen zijn echt verschillend: “Characters from the same class can be very different. For example, let's take a Legionnaire and a Reaver. A Legionnaire can handle a weapon and shield and plays the role of a classic tank. Generating aggro and soaking up damage are his main role in a party. The Reaver is a two-handed warrior who focuses more on dealing damage and generating aggro, and her skills can buff herself or the entire party. The Legionnaire and the Reaver are both warriors, but depending on your party composition and your style, one may be more suitable than the other.

Er komt ook een app voor Dragon Age: Inquisition: “BioWare understands that players can expend a lot of time going through their inventory and crafting new items. We also understand that when you are online with your friends, you want to get into action quickly. With these needs in mind, we developed the Inquisition HQ. There, you will be able to access all of your MP characters and their inventory. You will be able to change your loadout, salvage items, and craft new items. You can do all that on the go because it will run on PCs, tablets, and smartphones. We will give more details about Inquisition HQ in the following months.