Dragon Age: Inquisition-info


Via de site van Raptr (AMD Gaming Evolved) kon je vragen stellen aan de ontwikkelaars van Dragon Age: Inquisition. De drie beste vragen kregen 1000 Raptr-punten en het boek Dragon Age: The Masked Empire. Hier volgt een samenvatting van alle info, gemaakt door Dorian Pavus.

The Inquisitor

  • The British male voice actor for the Inquisitor is Harry Hadden-Patton, and the American male voice actor is Jon Curry.
  • The British female voice actor for the Inquisitor is Alix Wilton Regan, and the American female voice actor is Sumalee Montano.
  • The inquisitor will regularly be referred to by their surname, not just “Inquisitor.”
  • The qunari pc’s body will be big, but smaller than Iron Bull.
  • Qunari use something other than helmets/hats.
  • The Inquisitor will definitely meet people who think they’re a holy figure, but how you react to that is up to you.

Character Creation

  • Scars and freckles will both be available in the character creation. (Update: freckles actually might not be, we’ve received contradictory answers.)
  • Heterochromia (twee verschillende kleuren ogen) is not available.
  • CC is very complex — for instance, you can choose one color for the outer part of the iris and a different color for the inner iris.
  • Lots of lip options, but no body sliders.
  • As aforementioned, qunari pcs will get customizable horns.
  • They’re already working on creating game-appropriate lighting for the cc screen.
  • The CC will be before any major cutscene in the game.

Companions and advisors (and romance)

  • Both Cullen and Cassandra are straight romance options.
  • Scribbles has a cool accent… and is a bisexual romance option (probably).
  • The majority of romances are not concerned with race, but “a few” are.
  • You can talk to followers at your party base at any time, but not “ in the middle of a blood-soaked murderfield (of death)”.
  • Banter is supposedly going to be “Barney Stinson level of legendary”.
  • The interactive banter will time out if you don’t react to it and continue on its own.
  • You will be able to hug some of your companions/advisors.
  • “Major characters all track something similar to approval, but the system has changed to put more focus on what you are doing and what you say instead of grinding by constantly giving them gifts. Each follower does have their own set of goals they want to achieve and if you help them, they will appreciate it.”
  • Similarly, if you piss them off, they might leave.
  • Approval for advisors works differently than approval for companions.


  • Combat settings will range from easy to nightmare, as in previous Dragon Age games, but there is not (yet, at least) a story mode.
  • You can only have up to one specialization in DA:I, unlike previous Dragon Age games.
  • Weapons are still restricted by class.
  • All rogues can use bows — there is no “archer” specialization.
  • No mabari in combat.
  • You’ll be able to quick travel to any Inquisition camps you’ve established in your current region, which allows you to rest and recover health.
  • There’s plenty returning abilities and spells from previous DA games, but a ton of new ones, too.
  • “Having control over fade rifts may provide some interesting possibilities in combat”.
  • Cross-class combos are back.
  • “Knight Enchanters were designed to let mages get up close and personal and the abilities in that tree encourage you to do so, including the ability to be effective at melee ranges. They’re different from Arcane Warriors, though. Less tanky.”
  • Positioning, traps, and other preparatory manoeuvres are all available and even a good idea against some of the more difficult fights.
  • You can jump, but there won’t be complex climbing dynamics.
  • There is no weaponless combat, as in the DAO-style punching.
  • If you get into a fight with friendly, non-companion NPCs around, they will typically come and help out (presuming they’re warriors).
  • Certain specializations will affect moments in the story.


  • “Faith” and “leadership” are going to be major themes of the game.
  • The party base in Inquisition is going to be much grander than the camp from DA:O. “It’s the HQ of your entire Inquisition so there’s a TON of people in it to talk and interact with. You can customize your castle, rebuild some things, perform crafting and research etc.”
  • There will be all kinds of wild animals in the game, some hostile and some not, including (but not limited to): foxes, bronto, nugs, wolves, rams, birds, lizards, etc.
  • We will be visiting some kind of Dwarven settlement, but not Orzammar or Kal-Sharok.
  • Both Flemeth and Dagna will appear.
  • We may indeed see Gideon Emery again.
  • Your inquisition will unlock some opportunities in conversations.
  • In-game art differs depending on the country (it’s different between Orlais and Ferelden, for example) and you’ll be able to see how it progresses from being rustic/an early decorative piece to more refined work.
  • There’s a pre-made world state if you do not want to or are unable to use the DA Keep.
  • No flying mounts.
  • “The bog unicorn is an undead horse which was killed by someone sticking a sword through it’s head… thus its horn is the sword that killed it”.
  • No capes.
  • Fast-travel is available between previously conquered Inquisition camps/keeps in a region.
  • PC will support both mouse/keyboard control scheme and controllers.


  • There’s eight romances total, and only two have race restrictions.
  • There’s at least one romance option outside of companions or advisors.
  • You might learn more about or even MEET one of the chasind, avvar, or dalish.
  • Non-mage human inquisitors will have a “noble” background.
  • You are a surface dwarf if you choose to be a dwarven inquisitor.
  • Levels will cap off at around level 25 or 30.
  • No Shale, no Zevran.
