State of Decay krijgt Breakdown
State of Decay, een populaire zombiegame in een open wereld, krijgt op 29 november een uitbreiding genaamd Breakdown. De uitbreiding kan via Steam of Xbox Live Arcade gekocht worden voor 7 euro. Ontwikkelaar Undead Labs geeft aan dat de expansion zich vooral richt op veel replaywaarde.
Sanya Weathers van Undead Labs legt uit: "Basically, we built the expansion according to player requests. People wanted less story, more survival (and long-term at that) and increased difficulty."
"So, you spawn in the world and play as you remember, but without the story stuff. And when you've picked the world clean or you're bored, you find an RV, load it with supplies and whichever survivours you want to take with you and who you'll leave to die."
"Then you drive to 'the next valley': same map, respawned resources...and more difficult. More zombies, harder zombies, fewer supplies. The RV also respawns in a different place, so you need to find it/repair it/reload it before you can move to the next valley."
Ook zijn er extra achievements en nieuwe leaderboards toegevoegd en het is mogelijk om speciale 'Hero'-overlevers te unlocken.
"Heroes have special stats and elite weapons, and they're taken from characters you couldn't play in the original, like Judge Lawton. Once you've unlocked a Hero, that character is always in your pool of possible survivors in subsequent playthroughs (and you can choose one Hero to start with in subsequent playthroughs as well). But who you find on each level is still random"
"It sounds simple, but it actually massively increases the replayability of the game. We can't actually survive past the eighth respawn, but there are more levels because we know gamers...," aldus Sanya Weathers.
State of Decay: Breakdown is te spelen op pc en Xbox 360.