Joe Danger naar PlayStation Vita

Tom (Tom261)

In een post op de Europese PlayStation Blog heeft ontwikkelaar Hello Games bekendgemaakt dat zowel Joe Danger als Joe Danger 2 in 2014 voor PlayStation Vita verschijnen.

Managing Director Sean Murray gaf uitleg waarom ze de stap naar de handheld van Sony zetten: "One of the reasons we've fallen in love with PS Vita is its power. It's super, super important to us that our games run really smoothly. Like, 60 FPS smoothly. There's nothing like the super-slick movement and sense of responsiveness of a really well-made game. That screen just looks so lovely showing colourful, vibrant games too."

"Another big reason why Vita's perfect for Joe Danger is in its controls. On PS3, Joe Danger uses pretty much every button, stick and trigger for something, so all Vita's inputs, from its touchscreen and rear Touch Pad to its dual analogue sticks, are essential. We aiming for Joe on Vita to play at least as well as it does on PS3. We've got some surprises in store for our level editor too."

Beide Joe Danger-games zijn beschikbaar op Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, pc en iOS.

Joe Danger komt naar iPhone (Novum)