Koop multiplayervoordeel in Ryse


Ryse, de Romeinse hack 'n slash-game voor Xbox One, biedt spelers de mogelijkheid om voordeel te behalen in de multiplayermodi van de game. Zo kun je bijvoorbeeld sterkere uitrusting kopen met echt geld.

In principe koop je upgrades met de punten die je in-game verdient. Heb je echter niet genoeg maar wil je perse die ene upgrade, dan kun je er voor kiezen om de portemonnee te trekken.

Een medewerker van Microsoft op gamescom zegt hierover: "One of the things that we did a little different is that you can buy them with in-game currency and real world currency. The difference is that if you're close we also have small microtransactions. 

Say for instance a gold pack costs 15,000 gold, [and] you've only got 12,500 you can actually buy the difference and only spend a little bit to make it go to a Gold Pack. So we offer some variety there.

Just to give you some ideas in terms of how much we have to offer, you can see here, the swords, there's a ton of different stats," vervolgde hij zijn verhaal. "We were very good about designing stages as you play multiplayer, so the stats can change whether you're focusing on grinding for money, grinding for experience or whether you're playing with a new player or an old player. There's a lot of ways to change and customise your gear."