Ubisoft overwoog co-op voor Assassin's Creed

Stefan Walthie (StefanW)

Ubisoft had serieuze plannen om een co-opelement in te bouwen in Assassin's Creed III. Dat heeft mission director Philippe Bergeron gezegd in een interview met Official Xbox Magazine.

"Before we knew about the Desmond story and Animus link, we had a huge co-op component in there", zegt Bergeron in het interview. "But it just became too hard to do: the engine couldn't support it, and then the metaphor we had above it didn't support it."

Uiteindelijk heeft men bij Ubisoft besloten dat de een co-op niet paste binnen de verhaallijn van de game en is de studio van het systeem afgestapt.

"Co-op was one of those big things at the beginning that just didn't make sense in the end. For us it was really part of the single player experience, to have in-and-out co-op, and in the end we never thought it made sense in the storyline that we had for the Animus."