Homefront 2 loopt mogelijkerwijs vertraging op


Het uiteenvallen van THQ en de bijbehorende verkopen zorgen er mogelijkerwijs voor dat enkele games vertraging oplopen, waaronder hitmachine Homefront 2. De development van de game zal niet gewijzigd worden, verzekert ons de General Manager van Crytek Nick Button-Brown.

In 2011 bracht THQ de game Homefront uit die een groots succes was. Het vervolg op dit succesverhaal zou eigenlijk in 2015 uit moeten komen, maar Button-Brown verwacht dat deze deadline niet gehaald zal worden. Button-Brown denkt wel dat het tweede deel nog beter zal worden dan het eerste.

“Crytek’s focus is fairly similar to THQ’s -namely to make the best game possible. so this will not have too much impact on the development itself. However, we might change the release date that we haven’t announced, and move this to another release date we won’t announce yet either.

The main reason we wanted to purchase the IP was because the game is coming along so well. The team in Crytek UK has put their heart and soul into the game, and the progress is great – [our] last milestone was excellent. The worst case scenario for us was that this situation meant that all that work just ended up being thrown into the bin, so we wanted to buy the IP to make sure the team can finish off the game they wish to make. But we always have and will believe in the potential of the IP. This is why we agreed to work on it in the first place, so it’s now beneficial for us to have control over the IP’s destiny.”

Volgens Button-Brown mogen we binnenkort zelfs meer nieuws verwachten van de game. Op de vraag wanneer we dit nieuws mogen verwachten, zei hij 'Soon'. Daarnaast nam Brown nog even de tijd om afscheid te nemen van THQ. “Our experience with them was really good. They were a good partner and through to the end they always treated us with respect and honesty. We are very sorry to see them go and really feel for our friends on the THQ side who are now out of a job.”