Eerste patch Dishonored nu uit

Tom (Tom261)

Bethesda heeft vandaag de eerste patch voor Dishonored uitgebracht. De patch is voornamelijk gericht op het verhelpen van bugs, maar pc-gamers krijgen nog een extraatje in de vorm van ondersteuning voor meerdere schermen. De patch is nu te downloaden op alle platformen.

De volledige lijst van verholpen bugs:

  • Fixes for some interactions with Granny Rags that invalidated nonlethal playthroughs under certain circumstances. (Note: These fixes work even for savegames AFTER the final Granny Rags encounter.)
  • Fix for a crash that could happen during loading/transition between areas - notably near Dr. Galvani's house.
  • Reworked “Choke” interaction to make it more reliable in valid contexts.
  • Fixed minor localization issues (PS3/360).
  • Fixed global post-process that sometimes worked improperly during some missions.
  • Fix for a rare crash that could happen when killing a NPC with a possessed rat and spring razor (PS3/360)