Veel extra units geen optie voor Starcraft II


Blizzard heeft tijdens de gamescom aangekondigd dat ze waarschijnlijk niet heel veel units gaan toevoegen aan Starcraft II. Blizzard wil er voor zorgen dat de game in balans blijft en het toevoegen van veel units zou dit mogelijkerwijs kunnen aantasten. Het is een dunne draad waarop gelopen moet worden, aldus Blizzard.

“There’s a set number of units that should be in the game, but we just don’t know 100% what that is. Initially in Wings of Liberty we went with 13-14 units, which is similar to what Brood War had. When we started exploring a bit more we tried to stick to that rule, but when you’re taking units out and putting new stuff in, there are some problems. Wings of Liberty is pretty solid in terms of each unit being useful in a certain scenario – we tried saying, well what if 15 is the right number, or 16 is the right number?”

“After trying it out, we think it’s okay to add a couple of more units, but at the same time we don’t want it to go too out of balance, so that it becomes too complex. That’s something we have to watch for during the beta, and really make sure that the number we have right now is good for the game.”

Hoeveel extra units er gaan komen, hangt ook af hoe de bèta van Heart of the Swarm zal verlopen. “We are definitely open to cutting units depending on how the beta goes.”