'Verhaal van Desmond zal eindigen'


De Creative Lead van Assassin's Creed III, Alex Hutchinson, heeft in een Ubisoft-persconferentie aangegeven dat het verhaal van Desmond niet oneindig zal zijn. Hutchinson vergelijkt de Assassin's Creed-reeks met de Twilight Zone. "There’s always a guy introducing it and he’s there every episode, but each game completes its own story." 

"Assassin’s Creed 1 was Altair’s story. Ezio has been and gone. You can engage with these historical stories individually without having to necessarily understand Desmond’s story. But yes, we eventually do have to wrap it up. I think what you do is you finish it. I always pitched it to the guys on this game to think of it almost like Star Trek. Each game is a season… each big number is a sub-title. We’re not changing the universe, but we’re being given the reigns to the equivalent of The Next Generation. Yes, it’s the Star Trek universe, and that has certain immutable laws and there’s a base kind of tone to it, but within that you can do whatever you want." 

Hutchinson geeft verder aan dat het verhaal van Desmond wel 'moet' eindigen. De reeks is bijna vijf jaar oud en het begint dan lastig te worden om te herinneren wat er in het eerste verhaal gebeurde. "Which is like saying you were in junior high and now you’re finishing college. And you need to remember what you were doing in junior high.”

Volgens Hutchinson is Desmond de enige constante factor die steeds terugkeert. Elk verhaal heeft echter een ander personage, een ander verhaal, tijdperk, mechanics. Elke nieuwe game is een compleet nieuwe IP.

“Without Desmond, we could have called it anything else, and people would have said okay. It’s just we like the wrapper of being an assassin and being in this continuing war against Templars. There’s huge value in that. But [AC3] is 90% a new game.”